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Welcome to my website! I am Medium Sara McElroy; if you are here, you are looking for spiritual guidance or exploring the different facets of the paranormal. I look forward to being your medium and sharing this experience with you!! Readings with me are interactive and full of laughter and tears of joy and healing.

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My Story
"The Good Old Days"

As a child my parents noticed I was quite active with the Spirit world.

My mother told me a story from when I was a new baby. She came up to the room where I was sleeping in my crib and she was stopped in her tracks as she saw a female apparition standing by my crib! She saw her full body in a misty like flow. She had a long white gown on and she was watching me sleep.I have a question for everyone reading this bio page, why the heck are ghosts always in white creepy gowns? As if they are not scary enough! This is a mystery I certainly want to explore! Wink wink

From the time I was a little girl I communicated with Spirits that have unfinished business or what mediums call, “earthly baggage.” I also have Spirits that just want to be heard and to tell their story with a loving hello for the family. I have always had the most special experiences connecting people with loved ones in Heaven. Our parents and loved ones who raise us can tell the tale of a time you can’t remember. Their memories can help you learn more about your gifts and family history revealing possible mediums throughout the family tree. My mom has tracked our history to in-depth lengths; which includes going to other countries to gather cemetery information and pictures.


I think we can start talking about how I scared the H-E-double hockey sticks out of my mother!! Elementary school was a great time to be me, I had no idea I was different. One day I was laying in bed around 7 years old, I saw children playing on the ceiling. I was giggling watching them play on a merry-go-round that you would need survival skills to play on in the 1980s; it was a skinned knees and grilled cheese lifestyle back then.

I was having a blast with the children and then my mom heard the noise in my room! She listened at the door wondering what in the world was happening, especially since I'm an only child. The old door creeks open and she walked in confused. She asked, “who are you talking to?” I said, “the kids playing on the ceiling” while I continued to giggle. I looked at her like she was crazy. How can she not see what I’m looking at?


She said, “okay, well what do they want?” I said, “they want me to come play with them!” My mother then showed fear on her face and said, “tell them your mom said you are not allowed!!” She darted out of the room and shut the 100 year old skeleton key door tight and fast.


I remember just telling the Spirits I couldn’t play today and went to sleep. Looking back as an adult, my mother

and I laugh at the fact that she just left me in there and ran!! We also talked about how I had no idea everyone couldn’t see what I could, I assumed all kids played with Spirits. I believe this moment is a significant memory and was the foundation for my parents to recognize my gifts. Little did they know they were raising a paranormal child; the unexplained by science.


I was drawn to tarot and runes in the early 1990s. I’m surprised I found them in a store! Spencer’s was a novelty shop that everyone went to for their weirdo stuff and Nirvana t-shirts. These were the days before YouTube and TikTok, books were cracked and hands on learning began! I practiced quietly in my bedroom with the runes, candles and cards. I continued my interactions with Spirits and here we are today in my 40s as a professional medium!


I am working on writing my book so you can read about the amazing experiences I've had through the years and hopefully it will help you find your connections for yourself and for your psychic children! That is going to take some time to publish, but when it is I will make sure you know.

Enjoy browsing my site and make sure to check my reviews page.


Medium Sara


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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